Welcome to the Photo Project's documentation. Here you'll find guides to installing the software yourself as well as guides to our API and libraries.
Installation Guides
We offer a set of installation guides to help you get your site up and running. Choose a guide and get started:
- Ubuntu and Apache
- Fedora and Apache
- OSX and Macports
- SUSE and Apache
- Dreamhost Guide
- AWS EC2 with an AMI
Check the guides area of the documentation if you don't see your setup; it may be there.
You can also run this script:
curl | /bin/bash
(Make sure to view any script before you run it!)
API Endpoints
The Photo Project's REST API lets you extend your site and build things on top of it. Let us know if you build something neat with the API; we'd love to see it.
The first thing you should do is authenticate with the API. You might also want to grab a language library:
- Our PHP language binding
- Our Ruby language binding
- Our Python language binding
- Our Java language binding
- Our Javascript language binding
- Our Objective-C language binding
Test/Diagnostic Endpoints
- GET /hello.json Test endpoint.
Action Endpoints (comments, favorites, etc)
- POST /action/:id/:type/create.json Create an action.
- POST /action/:id/delete.json Delete an action.
Photo Endpoints
- POST /photos/:id/delete.json Delete a user's photo.
- POST /photos/:id/update.json Update data on a user's photo.
- GET /photo/:id/view.json Get a user's photo.
- GET /photos/list.json Get a list of the user's photos.
- GET /photo/:id/nextprevious.json Get the next and previous photo.
- POST /photo/upload.json Upload a new photo.
Tag Endpoints
- GET /tags/list.json Get a user's tags.
- POST /tag/create.json Create a tag for the user.
- POST /tag/:id/update.json Modify meta data for a user's tag.
Group Endpoints
- GET /group/:id/view.json Get a group.
- GET /groups/list.json Get a listing of a user's groups.
- POST /group/create.json Create a group.
- POST /group/delete.json Delete a group.
- POST /group/update.json Update a group.
Webhook Endpoints
- POST /webhook/subscribe Create or subscribe to an existing webhook.
- GET /webhook/:id/view.json Get a user's webhook by id.
- POST /webhook/:id/delete.json Delete an existing webhook.
Contribution Guides
We welcome contributions to the documentation as well as to the core codebase. All of our documentation is hosted in the documentation repository at Github.
If you'd like to contribute we have a couple of guides to help you get started.
- How to contribute code and make the Photo Project better
- How to contribute documentation
Questions? There are a couple of ways to get in touch.
- Email our mailing list at
- Ask in our IRC channel. We're at #openphoto on Freenode.